Home Remodeling: Never quite as planned
My wife and I recently purchased a new home together. Of course there are visions of grandeur, and being a designer I had sketches of the possibilities before we even closed. One of our first goals was to move the washer and dryer into the house. It is currently in the basement, and you have to go outside to get to it. For the most part it seems all figured out. My dad, who is a plumber/pipefitter by trade, will do the plumbing and an electrician friend of the family will move the electrical. But nothing goes quite that easy. Where we want the washer to go was never constructed that well, as you can see from the image above. The joists run the length of the room, rather than the shorter width dimension and one joist fully bears directly on the door frame. It doesn’t seem the best conditions below a fully loaded stacked washer dryer combo. Feel free to comment on your solution to the problem, and in an upcoming post I’ll show you ours.
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