House Bill 1110 and Shoreline
Shoreline is now in Step 4 of the Shoreline 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update with last week’s presentation of the draft Comp Plan to the Planning Commission on November 21, 2024. You can view the entire staff presentation here, but below are some highlights.
Planning commission recommended the Shoreline 2044 draft plan for adoption by City Council by a vote of 5-0. The comp plan will now move on to City Council for voting likely at their next meeting in December.
Recommendations for code amendments were included. They address a range of updates to definitions, parking quantities (including reduction of parking for regular single-family homes from two-site to one-site), and middle housing amendments and updates. Draft zoning and transit maps were also updated as well.
Full draft of the zoning code revisions were presented, including the middle housing codes and we didn’t see any major surprises from our last update. Full code sections available here: xxxx
Lots of things still in motion but overall the level of proposed middle housing code language available from the City at the October meeting leans positively in favor of new development. Planning Commission and city staff will continue to work on the draft code in the coming months. Given that the revised codes can’t be voted on / implemented until the comp plan is approved by City Council, we likely still are a minimum of a few months out from the HB1110-required code changes being a reality. We’ll keep following this and advise what we see as get the chance to put a real site through preliminary code review and feasibility. Stay tuned!
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