Laurelhurst Residence – Construction Update
The Laurelhurst wine room has quickly progressed into the construction in the recent weeks since the client approved the design and engaged their contractor.
An interesting challenge with this renovation, as in many others, is the owner will maintain occupancy in the house while the work it being done. Special care is taken to reduce airborne dust, dirt, and other debris from entering the rest of the home. This construction door separates the work area from the rest of the house for the duration of the project. Daily cleanup by the contractor is also essential.
In addition to framing work being completed on site by the carpenters, the woodworkers have started fabricating the wine racks off site. These racks are designed to fit into the carpenters framing to create as seamless an installation as possible.
Stay tuned for more updates as the Laurehurst Residence wine room will soon near completion, and for more info on the Laurelhurst Residence click here!
For the post showing the finished wine room click here.
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