LIV Apartments – Aerial Photos – Sept
The month of September brought progress across all areas of the LIV Apartments in Bellevue. The South Building roof has been installed and progress continues on the window and exterior siding installation. Interior plumbing and electrical rough in proceed in conjunction to maximize the potential of scheduling trades.
Elsewhere, at the West Building, painters have begun to paint the exterior fiber cement board as the installation of the composite wood panel, metal panel, and brick masonry has nearly finished.
The North Building rough framing added 2 levels during September and work is now ongoing at level seven of eight. At the current pace of framing, the North Building rough framing should be finished by the end of November, allowing the wood framing crews can transition to begin framing the East Building.
Concrete foundations, columns, and shear wall progress continues at the East Building as sub surface plumbing, vapor mitigation, and other utilities are installed prior to the slab on grade being poured.
Stay tuned in October for another construction update that should show the nearly complete framing of the North Building.
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These photos have been provided by Skytech Aerial Photo, local aerial photographers with over 40 years of experience.
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