Passive House: A Not-So-Passive Approach to Green Building
Those of us who care about climate change don’t think of ourselves as very “passive” about it. Actively participating in making a positive impact is what the green building standard Passive House is all about. One of the most rigorous energy efficiency certifications for buildings, Passive House buildings are designed to be extremely airtight and well-insulated to the point that you could heat them with a light bulb. These buildings typically enjoy not only cost savings from their low energy use but they also enjoy improved indoor air quality and comfort by utilizing a continuous supply of fresh air and energy-efficient mechanical systems. All residential and commercial building types can be certified as a Passive House, including houses, townhomes, and large multifamily apartment buildings. For more information on Passive House, visit our website at http://grouparch.com/resources/green-building/ as well as the Passive House Institute US at www.phius.org. Keep on the lookout in our news here for some new announcements coming soon about Grouparchitect and Passive House projects!
® and CPHC® are certification marks of Passive House Institute US (PHIUS). Used under license.
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