TDX Renovation – September Update
The Theta Delta Chi renovation at the University of Washington continues as work on the roof, cladding, and window replacement progresses. Additional structural members were required to take the load where the aging trusses have rotted and can no longer perform to their structural rating. On top of the new roof structure, an almost completely new plywood deck is installed.
After all the struggle and time it took to remedy the deficient trusses it’s exciting to see the roof membrane on the building! The new fascia can also be seen wrapping the cantilevered roof framing.
At the courtyard side of the house work has begun on the replacement of the windows and cladding. The first step in this process is the removal of the existing painted cedar siding and the installation of new sheathing to update the buildings structural capability.
Once the sheathing is installed the new Pella windows are installed and waterproofed. The building is then wrapped in a weather resistant barrier, also known as a W.R.B., and furring strips for the cladding are installed. Furring strips allow for the siding to be installed in a method known as a rain screen, which allows the cladding and wall assembly to breathe. A rain screen adds performance by creating an air gap for ventilation, which lengthens the life of the cladding.
The pre-primed HardiPlank fiber cement cladding installed is installed with fiber cement HardiTrim in order to attain the maximum life span of the cladding. Properly maintained, these cladding systems can easily last 50 years, and are warranted for 30 years from the manufacturer.
When painted, the cladding has the look of wood, but a much longer life span. The Pella casement windows add thermal performance and functionality for the students living inside.
On the north side of the building crews work to continue the cladding and window replacement as they work their way around the building.
At the rear of the building the process of cladding installation can be seen. The new roof, fascia, and soffit cap the façade and await the replacement of the wooden corbel details to match those that are in on the original building.
Stay tuned as cladding, and window replacement on the original building will soon follow. For further information on this renovation project check out the TDX project page.
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