The Mercantile – Construction Progress – November 2015
Apartment, Bothell, Breaking ground, Construction, Demo, Demolition, Multifamily, Residential, The Merc, The Mercantile
November 23, 2015
The Mercantile will be a seven story multifamily apartment building. The demolition phase has begun in the month of October. The original building, the Cooperative Mercantile Company, is an unreinforced masonry structure. The demolition team has been working to preserve the existing brick façade, which will be incorporated into the new design.
The windows and nonstructural walls have been removed. The back of the building is completely torn down, leaving the existing structure with a few rustic brick walls along 102nd Ave NE.
As demolition continues, the main brick façade is braced with temporary shoring.
We are excited to see the next steps for The Mercantile, keep track of the construction progress by clicking here.
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