Phinney Ridge Modular Construction Time Lapse
The prefab collaboration with Method homes was pieced together in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood of Seattle. This Option series house was custom built over the last few months and it was erected in the month of January 2015. We have documented the process of this prefabricated home in our previous blog posts. The time lapse video illustrates the quick process of setting the modular in place. The neighborhood was able to witness a two story home being built in one day.
The streets were blocked off to the general public due to the large trucks required to transport each segment of the house. In addition, a crane was placed in a neighbor’s backyard along the back alley to easily access the segments. The beauty of prefabrication is the minimization of an intrusive construction site, all the machinery was removed from the site by the end of the day.
Time lapse photography by Matt Hagen Photography. matthagen.com
Stay tuned for more construction updates.
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