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LIV Apartments – Construction Update – September

September at the LIV Apartments was a busy month.  Trades worked on all aspects of the project from exterior cladding detailing and painting to interior gypsum board and work on unit interiors.  At the West Building, the gateway feature wall takes shape as the composite wood panels are installed and frame the western entrance to the site from Bel-Red Road. Along Bel-Red Road the massing of the west and north buildings can be seen as the gateway wall emphasizes the entry...

Phinney Ridge Prefab – Demo

The excavator is in the process of demolition of the existing home at the site of the new Phinney Ridge Prefab home project being careful for the neighboring homes and fences. Homes are no match for an excavator, also known as a track hoe.  The long reach of the boom and bucket is able to grab the roof of a home and crumple it to the ground with little effort. Stripped bare, even the existing concrete will be removed to make way...

TDX Renovation – September Update

The Theta Delta Chi renovation at the University of Washington continues as work on the roof, cladding, and window replacement progresses.  Additional structural members were required to take the load where the aging trusses have rotted and can no longer perform to their structural rating.  On top of the new roof structure, an almost completely new plywood deck is installed. After all the struggle and time it took to remedy the deficient trusses it’s exciting to see the roof membrane on...

N-K House Remodel

This remodel to a craftsman home in Seattle’s Ravenna neighborhood consisted of a small addition, a bathroom remodel, basement remodel and reconfiguration of the floor plan and stairway to open up the house to the backyard and make the basement access pathway more inviting. Larger basement windows with window wells were added to both provide more natural light as well as to provide egress to a new guest bedroom created in the unfinished basement. A small addition in the rear...

LIV Apartments near Microsoft on Bel-Red Road in between Bellevue and Redmond. 450 Unit upscale apartment development.

LIV Apartments – Aerial Photos – Sept

The month of September brought progress across all areas of the LIV Apartments in Bellevue.  The South Building roof has been installed and progress continues on the window and exterior siding installation.  Interior plumbing and electrical rough in proceed in conjunction to maximize the potential of scheduling trades. Elsewhere, at the West Building, painters have begun to paint the exterior fiber cement board as the installation of the composite wood panel, metal panel, and brick masonry has nearly finished. The North Building...

Phinney Ridge Prefab

The Phinney Ridge Prefab project will soon kick off as plans have been approved by the city and contracts signed for construction.  This new house will be built using pre-fab techniques utilizing the Grouparchitect designed Option Series offered in partnership with Method Homes. The existing home’s concrete block foundation was in poor condition and repair was determined impractical.  In addition the size of the original home didn’t meet the needs of the owner and is in disrepair so early in the...

LIV Apartments – West Gateway

Original post 05/23/2014 As framing progresses at the LIV Apartments, a major design feature of the project is starting to take shape.  The “gateway” entrance off Bel-red Road is adorned with two story feature walls on both the North and West buildings, with the West building wall framing now ready to receive exterior sheathing. These walls will be clad with composite wood panels accented by random arrangements of different sized windows that announce the entry point to the project.  This playful gesture hints...

LIV Apartments near Microsoft on Bel-Red Road in between Bellevue and Redmond. 450 Unit upscale apartment development.

LIV Apartments – Construction Update – August

The month of August brought advances to several areas of construction at the LIV Apartments in Bellevue.  Framing across the site continues upward as crews race to beat the oncoming fall weather. The North Building, the largest of the buildings, framing reached to level five of eight.  Construction speed was increased on the project by using panelized walls which arrive at the site ready to erect. The framing of the South Building was completed and efforts there have shifted towards sealing the...

TDX Renovation – August Update

The renovation of Theta Delta Chi at the University of Washington is well underway as work continues on the roof and portico of this historic building.  The rotten wood shown in the previous post has been removed and new framing and decking serve as a solid base for the waterproofing to soon be installed. Demolition has begun on the main roof of the existing addition.  A rotten unsafe roof deck is removed revealing the roof is in dire need of replacement. Further...

LIV Apartments near Microsoft on Bel-Red Road in between Bellevue and Redmond. 450 Unit upscale apartment development.

LIV Apartments – Aerial Photos – August

Since the previous LIV Apartments aerial update last month, the progress on the three phase 1 buildings has continued, and construction broke ground on the East building.  The second phase of the project will include 99 residential units, several large amenity spaces, and two large roof decks. Elsewhere on site progress continues at a fever pitch.  The most notable progress as seen from the air would be the progress on the North Building framing.  Framing work is now continuing on level...