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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula


Seattle Times

Fall Home Design 2011

Last Sunday’s Seattle Times Pacific Northwest Sunday Magazine included the annual Fall Home Design featuring a number of local architect design homes. Highlights include: A LEED platinum certified Bainbridge Island home A remodel to a midcentury modern home in Lake Forest Park A modular prefabricated cabin on Orcas Island A new modern home on a tight and challenging urban lot in Seattle’s Phinney Ridge neighborhood An interior remodel of a Northwest contemporary home in Seattle’s Queen Anne neighborhood If you don’t have the paper, view...

Existing Kitchen

Sammamish Kitchen Remodel – Before and After

A remodel to a 1970s split level home.  The original kitchen was enclosed and separated from the rest of the living space. With limited counter space and a dining nook too small to be utilized, the existing space was in need of some improvement. Our design included opening up the walls, modifying the layout while still keeping plumbing intact, adding a built-in microwave to open up more counter space, replacing and relocating a pantry closet with a built-in...

Worldwide Photo Walk

Worldwide Photo Walk

    Do you like going outside? How about taking pictures? Well then the Worldwide Photo Walk might just be for you! And, honestly you probably don’t even have to like going outside too much since it's only a few hours! =)  Several walks are being held around the city of Seattle this weekend as part of a much larger group of amateur and professionals from around the world. This is a great opportunity to explore the city and look at things differently...

Canada Day

Canada Day

  Our family loves fireworks. A fascination for sparkly lights and thunderous explosions takes us north every year for Canada day. Our destination of choice is Victoria, BC. Similar to Seattle, Victoria is a city that can be approached by boat, however, that’s about where the similarities end.  Seattle with several high-rises adorning its skyline is quite impressive when approached by boat but can often times feel cold to a pedestrian. Grey weather and tall buildings lack softness at ground level...

FutureShack 2011

FutureShack 2011

How can architecture help improve the quality of your city? Your neighborhood? Your home? How can you share your vision of living in the future? Part debate about how we want to live, part recognition of innovative architecture, FutureShack showcases creative responses to our changing lifestyles, across a wide range of building types, budgets, constraints and social agendas. Looking for the latest in residential design? Check out our FutureShack 2011 Gallery, featuring entries submitted by local architects and architecture firms from...

Seattle Design Festival 2011

Seattle Design Festival 2011

The Seattle Design Festival aims to widen and deepen the public conversation about design in Seattle. Encompassing a wide range of design disciplines, the festival explores design as an active force that solves problems, contributes to innovation, and improves our lives. Founded and produced by AIA Seattle, the first festival is the product of a collaboration among ten non-profit partners. By combining forces to present ten days of concentrated programming about architecture and design, the partners have created a festival that...