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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula


Two Beer Pints

2010’s First Happy Hour!

2009 was a great year for Happy Hour at Grouparchitect. Thanks in large part to the generous donations and heavy pint lifting of some dedicated souls, we raised over $900 for Sibling House. They are very appreciative of everyone's efforts and the positive impact the donated funds will make to the children in the Sibling House organization. It's time to get together again, this time for the American Lung Association! In support of the ALA one of Grouparchitect project designers, Gavin...

Beer Squared Happy Hour

Beer Squared

The last few weeks have seen a double batch of homebrew going for future events. We started the second lager batch ever, a Bock per a recipe from Brewing America's Best Beers. It's currently fermenting at the usual lager rate (slow). The other batch of random beer makin' saw a new ale on top of the last ale's trub, resulting in virtually immediate fermentation. Since fermentation usually takes 4-7 days, this was a welcome addition to the schedule. More photos...

Facebook Twitter

New ways to follow us!

Grouparchitect is now on Facebook and Twitter. You can follow us via Facebook and Twitter — Facebook is a great way to learn more about grouparchitect and Twitter allows us to share microblog posts in real time. Join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/grouparchitect Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/grouparchitect...

Bent Nails

Home Remodeling: Never quite as planned

My wife and I recently purchased a new home together. Of course there are visions of grandeur, and being a designer I had sketches of the possibilities before we even closed. One of our first goals was to move the washer and dryer into the house. It is currently in the basement, and you have to go outside to get to it. For the most part it seems all figured out. My dad, who is a plumber/pipefitter by trade, will...

Seattle Home Show 2010

Grouparchitect will again be one of the architecture firms hosting the American Institute of Architects (AIA) booth in the Seattle Home Show February 20th - 28th, 2010. Stop by the booth and we can discuss your project and the process of working with an architect. Scott LaBenz & Brian Palidar will be hosting the booth on Sunday Feb 21st of the show. For show hours and information visit: www.seattlehomeshow.com...


View grouparchitect’s blog as a RSS Feed

 Grouparchitect's blog is also available as a RSS Feed.  When you subscribe to a feed, it is added to the Common Feed List. Updated information from the feed is automatically downloaded to your computer and can be viewed in Internet Explorer and other programs.  To access the feed, select the RSS image on the left....

Lake Forest Park Remodel

Construction is now underway on the Lake Forest Park Remodel commencing with the fun part - demolition!  Check out the project page (needs a link) for design sketches and more info on the project.  Stay tuned to the blog for further project updates as construction continues....

Spatial Organization

Spatial Organization As A Means of Self-Defense

Organizing the garage is usually something one doesn't look forward to, but in my case I made an exception. Since we remodeled our (needs link to Ballard home) using the same site location as the existing house, I had to make a 2-car tandem arrangement work for my automotive escapades. The only way to survive was to utilize pretty much every cubic inch of it. Most people I've met think that hiring an architect to help organize their garage would...


Beer Beer Beer Beer

Needless to say, the first thing I thought of was beer when we decided to start the dreaded blog. Architects think more about beer than buildings more than one day a week. I'll endeavor therefore to make the most useful thing you read on the net. Well, today at least. Starting tomorrow. Or next week....


Hue Apartments

Hue Apartments is scheduled for a Design Review Board Meeting on January 20, 2010. For more information on the meeting and location, visit the cify of Seattle's DPD web site at: Department of Planning and Development ...