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Open Houzz Seattle

Grouparchitect’s Brian Palidar, Scott Labenz, and Alesha Quam recently attended the Open Houzz Seattle event on January 22, hosted by the brand new Kohler Signature Store by Keller Supply on 116th Ave NE in Bellevue. Houzz make annual presentations to the Seattle-area design community to provide insight into recent trends in what homeowners, design and building professionals are seeing in our local marketplace. We were there of course to also check the Signature Store out as well. Check out these...

Phinney Home Design and Remodel Fair

It’s that time of year again for all of us at grouparchitect! The exciting Phinney Home Design and Remodel Fair is right around the corner on Sunday January 26. This will be our third year participating in this exhibition of residential products and design, and will be housed in the big blue Phinney Center at 6532 Phinney Avenue North. In past years we have enjoyed talking through design wishes and residential dreams with show attendees, and expect this...

Clyde Hill Remodel – Week 1

The Clyde Hill Remodel has begun in earnest. Per our Client’s desire to be moved into the home as soon as possible and given that the project was already under construction, we have been working within the existing building’s envelope as much as possible. Our initial concept sketch for the main floor focuses on preserving the west-facing view windows and collecting the great room and kitchen areas around them. The master bedroom and bathroom were also kept on this floor...


After several months of excavation and ground work at the job site for the LIV Apartments works has transitioned to shoring and foundation work, plumbing & electrical, and the buildings are starting to grow from the ground.  The concrete work alone is scheduled to take ten months to complete and represents a large portion of the building.  Wood framing will follow concrete and sis scheduled such that framing can start while concrete is being finished on other areas of the...

Clyde Hill Remodel Begins

Our newest custom residential project began today in Clyde Hill. Our clients had been looking for several months for a site for a new custom home in the Clyde Hill / Medina / Yarrow Point neighborhoods and finally found their spot. The site was actually a speculative build by local custom home builder Lochwood-Lozier. Project construction will be placed temporarily on hold while we begin integrating our client’s program and vision into the existing structure. Check back in the coming...


September marks the ground breaking for our newest apartment project located south of Microsoft’s Redmond campus.  Located at Bel-red Road and NE 22nd Place this 2 phase apt building will be home to 450 apartments in 4 distinct buildings partially built over a concrete podium for parking.  Over the months to come posts will detail ongoing construction progress.  For now, we start with a grassy field. This project starts as a field, parking lot, and abandoned building Then comes months of...

The Architect’s Education

The architect is much more than a draftsperson. Find out what an architect does and how they can make your home project a success. Brought to you by CRAN, the custom residential architects network. A knowledge community of the American Institute of Architects. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifRxm2PvlQw&list=UUWfdrxrRg8JVVSePGXjUU7Q More information on CRAN: http://network.aia.org/cran/Home CRANtv YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/CRANtv...

Ballard Remodel featured on Houzz

Our Ballard Remodel was featured in the Houzz article 'Movin' on Up: What to Consider With a Second-Story Addition' Movin' on Up: What to Consider With a Second-Story Addition by Anne Higuera Learn how an extra story will change your house and its systems to avoid headaches and extra costs down the road. Adding space to your home at the second or even third story can capture views, maximize square footage on a small lot and let you locate all the bedrooms on...

We’re hiring

We’re hiring at Grouparchitect for a project architect / designer. More information on the available position can be found at: http://www.grouparch.com/contact/join-us...