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Northwest Green home Tour

Northwest Green Home Tour 2015

Join us this year on the Northwest Green Home Tour. Our Phinney Ridge Prefab House built in collaboration with Method Homes and Heartwood Builders will be featured on the Sunday tour. The tour is free but you will need to signup online to gain access to the houses on the tour. For more info visit: http://www.nwgreenhometour.org About the Tour The Northwest Green Home Tour is an annual educational event, open to the public, produced by the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild, that showcases local,...

Phinney Ridge Prefab – On Site Construction

The Phinney Ridge pre-fab home has seen a lot of changes over the past 2 months. Since our last update the rest of the fiber cement boards were placed on the front façade of the home. Construction of the front porch has begun, the framing, roof, and railings are in place. The driveway and retaining walls were cast and poured. When the modules were set in place, a lot of the interior work was already completed at the factory. Prefabrication allows the...

Phinney Ridge Modular Construction Time Lapse

The prefab collaboration with Method homes was pieced together in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood of Seattle. This Option series house was custom built over the last few months and it was erected in the month of January 2015. We have documented the process of this prefabricated home in our previous blog posts. The time lapse video illustrates the quick process of setting the modular in place. The neighborhood was able to witness a two story home being built in one...

LIV Apartments – Aerial Photos – March

Construction has been moving along during the month of March, the exterior framing of the East Building has been completed.  All the windows on the westerly buildings have been installed and the construction team is continuing to wrap the building with the weather protective membrane and continue installation of the building’s cladding systems.Due to the great weather exterior work such as painting, cladding, and site work have been accelerated accordingly. The landscaping and construction team has been busy applying finishes...

LIV Apartments – Construction Update Mid March 2015

The exterior shells of the North, South, East and West buildings were completed.  As you can see in the image above, the North Building’s building wrap is being applied against the sheathing.  It will soon look similar to the South Building, shown on the right, with the exterior finishes installed and painted. The corten steel planters have been placed in the lower plaza deck of the North Building with seat wall benches in cast-in-place concrete. These benches will receive a wood...

Best of Houzz – Customer Satisfaction

We are honored to be awarded “Best of Houzz” for Customer Satisfaction. Houzz is a leading platform for home remodeling and design. Grouparchitect was chosen by the Houzz community from among more than 500,000 active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals. This Customer Satisfaction honor was determined by a variety of factors, including the number and quality of client reviews received in 2014. This is our third consecutive Best of Houzz award. We are delighted to provide beautiful designs for...

LIV Apartments – AERIAL PHOTOS – Feb.

Construction at the LIV Apartments in Bellevue has made substantial progress in the recent month.  The East building has reached level 6 of framing and flooring including roof trusses.  The framing of the lower roof deck amenity space on the 5th level is complete and the green roof, concrete pavers, dog run, planters, and trees will be installed next. The large crane previously located in the center of the plaza was removed as the North, South, and West buildings are nearing...

PNA Home Fair 2015

The Phinney Neighborhood Association (PNA) Home Design & Remodel Fair was a success! We are always glad to be included in PNA’s programs to engage and build the community and we were very pleased to speak with everyone at this year’s event. Hopefully we will see some of you again in the near future....

Sibling House Update – 2015

Good news for Sibling House in 2015! Sibling House is a network of homes that keep siblings together while in foster care and they have grown recently to include 256 homes totaling 752 children and they continue to grow every day. You can learn more about their organization and how to help at www.siblinghouse.org. Their annual fundraising event is coming up on March 21st of this year at the Washington Athletic Club with the theme “Alice in Wonderland”. It’s always...